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Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Christianity and Obesity

A Purdue Study has listed Baptists as the most obese religious group in America.*  As someone who grew up in the Baptist denomination, I don't find this hard to believe.  I can not count the times in my life I have heard, "Well you know us Baptists... we love to eat!".  Fellowship has been jokingly nicknamed "bellyship". 

So what is the problem with this?  Well quite frankly it's become hypocritical of us.  For a denomination that tends to frown upon drinking, smoking and tattoo's because I Corinthians 6:19-20
19 Or do you not know that your body is the temple of the Holy Spirit who is in you, whom you have from God, and you are not your own? 20 For you were bought at a price; therefore glorify God in your body[c] and in your spirit, which are God’s.
We are not taking care of our temples.  
I Corinthians 10:31 says,
31 Therefore, whether you eat or drink, or whatever you do, do all to the glory of God. 
Who are we kidding when we bow our heads over our cheeseburgers and french fries and ask God to bless it for the nourishment of our bodies?!

God gave us foods to nourish us, replenish us, provide for us.  We just, too often, choose not to take advantage of them. 

I am calling all Christians.  Let's make a change.  Let's live the lives God designed for us to have.  Lives of health.  Let's not forget that we are designed to move.  That is when we experience joy- depression diminishes.  If you want to join me on this battle on obesity, let me know.  We have to start with teaching our families.  If we don't do that... nothing changes long term.  Our children will end up with the same battles we have today.  I have attached two links.  If you are looking to make changes and don't know where to start, this would be a great place.

*Found on

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Is your food a medicine... or a drug?

This is a paragraph from Dr. Andrew Asa's book, Empowering Your Health

The body constantly regenerates itself.  That's right- every few years depending on each individual's specific makeup, we have completely different bodies.  We may essentially look the same on the outside, but internally speaking, we don't have the same bodies we had a few years ago.  We have new hearts, new lungs, new livers, and new skin because the old cells are gone and the new cells have been made.  Once you learn that concept, you begin to realize that what you put into your life everyday- food choices, what you drink and exercise habits, affects what you are going to have tomorrow.

We are supposed to live in the best nation in the world, but we have become one of the unhealthiest, if not the unhealthiest.  What has happened over the past couple of decades?   Our country, especially the south where I live, is so wrapped around food.  Think about it.  If your children do something well, do you reward them with food?  When my daughter comes home with a good report card, she gets a free voucher for french fries at a local fast food restaurant.  I have been guilty of saying, "if you do....., I will take you out for some ice cream".  We think to socialize with people, we always have to have food.  When you sit down in front of the t.v., do you automatically reach for something to snack on?  Why?  Are you hungry?

So how do we break out of this cycle?  Is there hope?

ABSOLUTELY!  I did not blog to provide discouragement, but hope!

We need to be aware, first of all, why we need food.  We do need food to live.  Food is not the enemy.  We just have to provide the food that our bodies need.  We need vitamins and minerals, proteins and fiber to nourish and replenish our bodies.  I heard a wonderful quote recently from a gentlemen at a wellness seminar.  "I realized that I had based my entire health and wellness on my tiny little taste buds".  Maybe you think, I can't eat healthy stuff- it's nasty.  Guess what?  I am pretty sure that if you take someone from a couple hundred years ago and feed them a cheeseburger, french fries and a coke- they would get sick!  Why?  Well it's greasy, fried and not natural!  They would be used to eating something else.  It may take a little time but you will realize in time that stuff didn't taste so great and it made you miserable!  Did you know that when we eat poorly we get hungry quicker because our bodies are still looking for that nourishment?  Understand now why you don't get full or stay full on that double cheeseburger, fries and a coke?

So where do we start?  What do we do?  I will tell you where I started personally.  I started with shakeology.  You may be thinking, "Megan quit talking about this stuff.  I've heard you mention it like a hundred times already!"  Guess why?  Because it has changed my life.  Even on the very best diet we still miss many of the essential vitamins and minerals that we need on a daily basis.  When I first started making changes, I felt like I didn't have the energy to even begin.  My coach Michelle encouraged me, "Quit trying to do it all at once.  Start smaller.  Drink this shake every day and you will not believe how you feel after a month."  So I did and that was the best first step I have ever taken.  Without that I wouldn't have had the energy to get started on P90x or a lot of other things I am doing now to change my life.  Sound extreme?
Only because you haven't tried it yet.