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Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Day 45- Is this as good as it gets?!

This is week 7 in my P90x journey.  At the beginning of this week, I decided it was time to step it up a notch.  The workouts were still hard, but not as hard as they used to be.  Tony Horton reminds you that the difference between the people that really perform in P90x and those who don't- you know how to push yourself past the pain, but not to injury.  I did that Sunday.  Sunday was my Chest, Shoulders and Triceps workout- along with Ab ripper X.  I brought it hard.  I am still feeling the effects of that.  I didn't injure myself but man, oh man... I am sore. 

So why do I tell you all this?  Well it got me thinking.  I stepped it up this week.   I don't want to go through this life "just living".  I want to be constantly learning.. pushing.  We do that as children.  We can't wait to crawl, walk, run, learn to read.  We strive to be faster, better in sports, smarter.  At some point, though, most of us stop.  As though we have "arrived" in our journey, we stop reading, learning, improving on our jobs and improving physically.  We can't figure out why we are so miserable.  We are just barely getting by.

I want to encourage you friend.  You don't have to just "get by" anymore.  We can continue to thrive.  No matter your age, physical shape, your past.

I have attached a video of a woman who truly inspired me.  I encourage you to watch it. 

So what's the answer to the question.  Is this as good as it gets?  Well, I guess that's up to you now - isn't it?

Monday, April 4, 2011

Day 44- My Journey through P90x

When I first saw the infomercial for P90x, I knew I had to do it!  I will go ahead and say- I am one of those weirdos that loves to work out!  That being said, I had let myself get out of shape.  Trying to be the best mom while working to move up in my banking position, I was stressed and exhausted all the time.  I didn't feel like I even had the energy to begin! 

I tried a couple of times.. would make it a week and then feel like a total failure.  It wasn't because I didn't want it, I just was so exhausted.  I started talking to my Beachbody Coach, Michelle Kellogg.  (You can be assigned a free coach through Beachbody- one of the many things I love about this program!)  She was kind and encouraging.  I felt like she really listened to me... my frustrations and goals.  She told me that I was trying to start too big.  My health was not where it should be- I was sick all the time.  Of course I didn't have the energy to get started on an intense program that is used to even train athletes!  She suggested I start with something a little simpler... shakeology.  This drink was packed with vitamins and nutrients and could help me with my lack of energy.  I decided to give it a try.  It was actually cheaper then all of the eating out I was doing! 

Forward to the beginning of January.  I had been on shakeology for over a month and felt like a completely different person.  I was ready - P90x ready.  I did injure my back from a yoga move and have to take a couple of weeks off in February.  Because of this, I decided to restart my program from the beginning at the end of February.

Here I am now- day 44 and I feel so alive!  I am down 12 pounds from the beginning of my journey and I feel awesome.  I want to encourage you- YOU CAN DO THIS! 

I started 50 pounds overweight- yes I let myself get that out of shape!
I am asthmatic.  I have a history of depression and anxiety.
I don't care what your excuses are, if you want a life change, if you want to feel better then you ever have, if you want to be truly proud of yourself- let's do this.  I will be your coach, your encourager, your friend.  Team Beachbody's design is set up beautifully.  The more connected you are online- the more likely you are to succeed.  As Tony Horton so frequently says "BRING IT"!!!!!