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Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Day 45- Is this as good as it gets?!

This is week 7 in my P90x journey.  At the beginning of this week, I decided it was time to step it up a notch.  The workouts were still hard, but not as hard as they used to be.  Tony Horton reminds you that the difference between the people that really perform in P90x and those who don't- you know how to push yourself past the pain, but not to injury.  I did that Sunday.  Sunday was my Chest, Shoulders and Triceps workout- along with Ab ripper X.  I brought it hard.  I am still feeling the effects of that.  I didn't injure myself but man, oh man... I am sore. 

So why do I tell you all this?  Well it got me thinking.  I stepped it up this week.   I don't want to go through this life "just living".  I want to be constantly learning.. pushing.  We do that as children.  We can't wait to crawl, walk, run, learn to read.  We strive to be faster, better in sports, smarter.  At some point, though, most of us stop.  As though we have "arrived" in our journey, we stop reading, learning, improving on our jobs and improving physically.  We can't figure out why we are so miserable.  We are just barely getting by.

I want to encourage you friend.  You don't have to just "get by" anymore.  We can continue to thrive.  No matter your age, physical shape, your past.

I have attached a video of a woman who truly inspired me.  I encourage you to watch it. 

So what's the answer to the question.  Is this as good as it gets?  Well, I guess that's up to you now - isn't it?

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