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Monday, April 4, 2011

Day 44- My Journey through P90x

When I first saw the infomercial for P90x, I knew I had to do it!  I will go ahead and say- I am one of those weirdos that loves to work out!  That being said, I had let myself get out of shape.  Trying to be the best mom while working to move up in my banking position, I was stressed and exhausted all the time.  I didn't feel like I even had the energy to begin! 

I tried a couple of times.. would make it a week and then feel like a total failure.  It wasn't because I didn't want it, I just was so exhausted.  I started talking to my Beachbody Coach, Michelle Kellogg.  (You can be assigned a free coach through Beachbody- one of the many things I love about this program!)  She was kind and encouraging.  I felt like she really listened to me... my frustrations and goals.  She told me that I was trying to start too big.  My health was not where it should be- I was sick all the time.  Of course I didn't have the energy to get started on an intense program that is used to even train athletes!  She suggested I start with something a little simpler... shakeology.  This drink was packed with vitamins and nutrients and could help me with my lack of energy.  I decided to give it a try.  It was actually cheaper then all of the eating out I was doing! 

Forward to the beginning of January.  I had been on shakeology for over a month and felt like a completely different person.  I was ready - P90x ready.  I did injure my back from a yoga move and have to take a couple of weeks off in February.  Because of this, I decided to restart my program from the beginning at the end of February.

Here I am now- day 44 and I feel so alive!  I am down 12 pounds from the beginning of my journey and I feel awesome.  I want to encourage you- YOU CAN DO THIS! 

I started 50 pounds overweight- yes I let myself get that out of shape!
I am asthmatic.  I have a history of depression and anxiety.
I don't care what your excuses are, if you want a life change, if you want to feel better then you ever have, if you want to be truly proud of yourself- let's do this.  I will be your coach, your encourager, your friend.  Team Beachbody's design is set up beautifully.  The more connected you are online- the more likely you are to succeed.  As Tony Horton so frequently says "BRING IT"!!!!!

1 comment:

  1. I love it!!! I'm so glad you are "bringing it!" Keep it up and you are such an inspiration!!! SMILES!!
